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Periodontology – Gum Diseases

Periodontal diseases are inflammatory diseases that occur in the gums and tissues that support the teeth.

When we cannot provide our oral hygiene at the desired level, the reaction of our body against the infection that occurs as a result of the increasing number of bacteria in our oral environment is called gingivitis. Unfortunately, this inflammatory condition is present in the vast majority of our society.

Contrary to the appearance of healthy gingiva as a symptom, dark red gingiva can manifest itself with bleeding and sometimes acute pain when brushing our teeth or immediately.

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What is gum disease?

It is an inflammatory disease that affects the gums and the tissues where the teeth are attached and supported. It is noticed and easily treated by the physician in the early period when periodic dentist control is held to.

But, it is the cause of tooth loss in case of being late, studies in recent years have revealed that some systemic diseases also increase their severity. 

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the earliest period of gingival diseases in general, and the inflammation is limited to the gingiva. In this process, the gums have lost their tight, form, pink and healthy appearance; and additonal to these, it is red, edematous and bleeding.

If left untreated, it lays the groundwork for more serious periodontal diseases in later stages. With dental calculus cleaning, plaque cleaning and good oral hygiene, gingivitis can be easily overcome. The treatment is easy, but success can only be achieved with the cooperation of the physician and the patient.

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is the advanced form of periodontal diseases and the supporting tissues that support the teeth have been lost to some extent. An area called "pocket" is formed between the tooth and the gingiva, and as a result of this pocket, the disease progresses more easily and destruction occurs in the supporting bone. As a result, the teeth begin to loosen and can be lost if left untreated.


What are the general symptoms of gum disease?

Bleeding when brushing teeth

redness of the gums,

acute pains,

The appearance of inflammatory currents,

loose or displaced teeth,

Deterioration of the harmony of old prostheses,

Persistent and long-lasting bad breath…


What is periodontal curettage?

As periodontal disease progresses to the deep tissues, it is the process of eliminating the bacteria, tissue residues and dental calculus in the "pocket" that we mentioned above and cleaning the inside of this pocket by scraping.


What is the flap operation?

In cases where periodontal disease progresses much deeper, the treatment options we mentioned before may be insufficient. With the flap operation, the gingival tissue is surgically removed and the cleaning of the area is done by directly seeing it.

This surgical procedure is performed under local anesthesia, painlessly. With the removed gingiva, the bacteria, inflammatory tissues, residues and dental stones in the area are removed and closed with stitches.


Are stitches removed as a result of periodontal surgery?

As a result of periodontal surgical treatments, stitches are placed many times in order to provide faster and better healing in the operation area and these stitches are removed after 1 week.


Is control required after periodontal treatments?

Periodontal treatments are very valuable treatments for oral and dental health. For this reason, you should definitely go for a check-up at intervals that your doctor deems appropriate. Otherwise, your old gum diseases may recur without you noticing and may progress insidiously without you noticing.


Do you worry about your gums being showed too much when you smile?

If your gums are seen too much when you smile, you can have a smile called "gummy smile". Even if your tooth size is normal, if the gingiva covering the tooth is excessive, it will make the length of your tooth be seen short, thus causing a low and uneven gingival level.


The gummy smile is not a dangerous situation and is much more common than you might think. However, patients often accept the gummy smile treatment because of losing their self-confidence and feeling uncomfortable.

Thin Upper Lip

If you are born with a thin upper lip, your gums will be seen wide when you smile.

Childhood Development

In the early stages of development, the initial symptoms of the gingival problem we are talking about can be seen. In such cases, this problem can be prevented by starting wire treatment.

Abnormally Appearing Teeth


In some cases, the teeth may not come out of the places they should be, causing more gums to appear.

Gummy Smile Treatment

In DentOstim Clinic, you have many options for gummy smile treatment. These are as follows;

Gum Shaping


Gum shaping techniques are frequently used to correct the gingival level. The treatment method is related to the level of the excess gum.


Botox Application


In the case of muscle-induced gummy smile, botulinum toxin is applied in cases where the gingiva is too visible due to excessive lifting of the lip caused by excessive muscle movements or facial expressions.


Orthodontics ( Braces )


This method is more effective especially in younger patients and will eliminate possible gum problems that may occur in the future.


These treatments are commonly known as crown lengthening procedures and provide a beautiful smile that reveals your teeth by reducing the amount of gum that appears when you smile.


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